Dear Virginia:
I am truly thrilled with TRANSVESTIA. Really, TV's could not in their most girlish dreams hope for any pub- lication more perfect. I have enjoyed Exotique, Bizarre, and other similar publications in the past. I have sub- scribed and enjoy very much the Calif. publication, Fan- tasia, which has always had a generous amount of material of appeal to TVs. But all of these seek to appeal to wid- er interests. But every page of yours is exciting for TVs Please keep up your wonderful work and let us know how we can be of help to you.
"Virgin Views" by Virginia was the most intelligent and worth while expression on TVism that I can recall. I'm sure that it must have been of great help to all readers. I too for many years fought the urge. Time after time I would resolve to eliminate all such feelings and be "all man". But it was not long before the desire was back with me (as if it had ever really left). And so I made up my mind, as your Dr. Bowman suggested to you, to accept it and stop fighting it. I vowed to learn to live with it and enjoy it. Certainly it is true that one cannot kill a desire unless wants to do so. What Tv really wants to lose touch with the heavenly sensations and feelings of being dressed in feminine attire? Not me!
I would guess that the thing feared most my the maj- ority of TVs is not the possible "disgrace" to himself through exposure, but rather the distress to his family friends and associates. My reading over a number of years has convinced me that a large proportion of Tvs are men of some community worth and reputation. Many are poss- essed of jobs of considerable import. Professional men are well represented. To such men, revelation could in- deed mean their jobs and incidentally the means monetarily to enjoy their desires. I suppose one can only accept the calculated risk and, if the feared break comes just to "grin and bear it".
The distress to ones family would be the more diffi- cult. Incidentally in this regard I am speaking of par- ents, brothers and sisters. I believe definitely that a TV should inform his would be wife of his desires before